Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Clean Air
The Economic effect: clean air actBy:College:Course:Professor:Date:AbstractThis research will give a recap of the evolution of clean air act and the adverse effects it has had on our economy since its formulation. Throughout my undergraduate studies I have analyzed the growth rates and fluctuation trends of our economy, I scrutinized how the environmental laws favor or discriminate against giant companies and gave comprehensive conclusion. I used previous environmental reports from researches carried out by federal environmental agencies and compared them to recent reports after president Donald Trump scrapped out some environmental laws that affected large petroleum and coal mining industries. I also designed questionnaires to the general public, professors, economics elites and workers that are employed in companies that are rated to produce health hazardous products like fertilizers. Every set of people had a unique set of questions to answer. I picked these broad array of respondents so that I could have accurate information and hence a good analysis of the topic. The questionnaires relayed some very interesting statistics and I must acknowledge the participation of every respondent. I decided to dwell on this topic in a bid to sensitize people on the effects of the environmental laws and motivate them to speak out on the sensitive issue. This was after the sad realization that the general public tends to ignore the broad environmental as they perceive it not to affect their daily lives. In my research I have recommendations for the federal environmental agencies, the lawmakers and the general public. The economic effect: Clean Air Act influence on the dollar Every law that is formulated usually has good or detrimental effects on the topic it touches; health laws cause a positive disruption on the health sector, criminal and marital laws have a bearing to the social aspect of humans and so do many other laws. Before the lawmakers pass laws they should first dissect the topic extensively as each law has to stand on another sphere and slightly if not adversely affect it eventually. Expert insights on the topics should be accommodated as experts usually have insights on different variables affecting a constant. Public participation should be encouraged and their opinions on the matter should be prioritized before any other parties' opinions; this is because all laws are usually formulated to shield the general public from certain adversities and discrimination.Failure to collect and include views of the general public to the clean air act was the first and most regrettable mistake the federal government ever did since it was tabled in 1963. The date is not clearly marked as the act became a landmark later in 1970 then later on 1990 when the laws were further studded (starobin-1990). I admire the nobility of the pioneer law makers as they thought the laws will save humanity from early demise but I will show how the laws have rubbed a negative impact on the economy and less impact on the topic it was meant to benefit; health. Over the years the years the federal government has been struggling to sustain if not grow its economy, the question they failed to ask themselves is; what economic impact does the clean air act have on our country? They would be having a precise answer to that eerie question if they would have accommodated views from economists.The clean air act does not stand on its own ground; it falls under environmental laws which encompass other laws like the clean water act. The environmental protection agency (EPA) is the federal body mandated to analyze, implement and review the laws. Under it are numerous specialized agencies that were brought together to boost the efficiency of the whole environmental protection agency. In my report I will be using the common abbreviations to denote these agencies. In the broad umbrella we have the office of technology assessment (OTA) which a body that monitors the use of technology and how it affects the environmental laws. The national acid precipitation assessment program (NAPAP) was created in 1989 to monitor the harmful substances in the rain and the effects it has on people, infrastructure and the agricultural sector. The maximum available control technology (MACT) is the agency under EPA umbrella that designs and assigns technologies to industries that produce harmful substances (e.g sulphuric and nitrogen air. Later on the national ambient air quality standard was introduced to keenly monitor the trends of harmful standards in air (kopp-1989) To set up all these bodies required a lot of money, money which had to be coughed up in hard cash from the national coffers. In the body of paper I will give a brief history of the agencies and the exact funds that were used to set them up, to be relevant I will also tell you the timeline these bodies take to do research and the cost behind them. Further, I will state the time they take to implement their recommendations then enumerate if the implantation has effects to the environment and the economy. For clarity, I will contrast the information with the findings of my research that largely depended on people views backed up financial data from business articles from reputable press companies. This report will give us a better understanding of the dynamics around the clean air act.The economic effectThe state averagely spills over $92 billion annually to ensure that all stakeholders comply to the environmental laws set. The clean air act is serviced by more than more $28 billion and the clean water spends over $29 billion (. The number skyrockets when we talk of other bodies that deal with regulation of hard harmful substance like fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides as they spend over $32 billion annually in running of their functions. We discover that when setting up the institutions to implement the clean air act the federal government had to wait for 10 years for the bodies to make researches and draw conclusions. Here the state spent over $500 million in setting up and equipping the bodies, a further recurrent expenditure of $426 million was used annually to keep the organizations functioning. From 1970 to 1990 a whopping $8.52 billion in setting up and maintenance of the clean air act alone. After the first set of 10 years of research, the clean air act was studded and to comply with regulations; affected companies had to part with $4 billion dollars in a bid to comply with the environmental laws. A research by private companies stated the figure hit over $20 billion annually (denny-1990). The companies were supposed to reduce emission of sulphuric air by 10 million tons and nitrogen air by 2 million tons per year. In 1980 the government launched another program; the national acid precipitation assessment program (NAPAP) and gave it $500 million to carry out its research in a span of 10 years. The program was supposed to study the effects of acidic rain on land and water areas. The findings were good for the health topic but the money pumped in keeping the program running did not return profits. The much awaited findings were; the quantity of harmful substances in rivers and lakes had risen but the rise could not be attributed to rain alone as there were other hard toxic substances in the water. The finding authenticated the claim that acidic rain degrades infrastructure but they said the rate of degrade was very slow and could be matched up by apt maintenance. Another astonishing finding was that acid rain had no effect on agricultural products and production. Car manufacturing industries were also devastated by the laws as the cars had to be fitted with technological sieves to reduce carbon emission after fuel had been burned. This had to be done immediately as the state did not want to take more time as the research had taken more years. In effect the car manufacturing companies had to add an extra $120 to $450 per car depending on the type of fuel the car used and its customizations (. Truck and plane manufacturers were also slapped with the new regulations and they realize a slash in their annual profits. When President George Bush administration came into office it had to oversee a further $3 billion annually being channeled into car, truck and plane manufacturers.Methods of researchAnalysis of credible economic articles from the internet 1963to 2017Analysis of the report written the environmental program agency Analysis of the annual national budget and its revenue streamQuestionnaires responded to by students, professors, workers and the general public.FindingsSince the clean act was passed the state has spent more than $40 trillion in establishing of the environmental bodies. This money was used in assembling the infrastructure, buying the equipment and payment of workers.The target set by the numerous agencies since 1970 are still a long way to be met as the only 5 out of the 20 harmful substances in air have been managed.Most people are unaware of the laws existence and even after researching about it they claim that they feel the laws don't improve the standard of their lives.Over 311 giant companies retrenched over a half of their workforce between 1980 and 1990, this indicates that 190,000 people were left jobless hence the state's capital stock lost over $37 billion annually throughout the yearsQuality of air in urban areas increased to 98%. The sulphur and nitrogen substance level in air has reduced drastically over time but other harmful elements like benzene are still in abundance (EPA-2000). This change was noticed in cities, I bet it is from the implantation of the gas fitters in cars that the change was noticed.When the maximum available technology control agency was formed, it oversaw companies part with $4 million each to fit the technology sieves on their chimnies. Mortality rates remained stagnant and worsened to former workers of companies that went out of business when the environmental laws were passed.ConclusionsThe state should prioritize the economic part as it is through it that it will get funds to run all other vital activities, it is only by a strong financial background that other institutions can stand. Since the formulation of the laws a lot of money that would have been used in the building of economy has been spilled on the assembling of different agencies within the environmental program agency. The money did not have any beneficial return as the findings that later came from numerous state funded research did not meet the expectations or prove the notions that; more regulations will lead to less emissions of harmful substances thus improve the quality and lower the mortality rate of humans.In a bid to enforce the laws more funds were used in aiding some companies abide by the rules but this did not save the companies from retrenching employees and later closure due to either non compliance or lack of profits. As years went by and the laws became less conducive, more companies shut down and with them more jobs. As all this was happening the mortality rates remained high as the prevention policies barely worked or if they did the effect was insignificant. The state focused on creating the laws and did not work on technological or medicinal mechanisms to reverse the effect of health hazards on employees that worked in petroleum, fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides and insecticide companies. The more they died the more the laws looked inefficient.Years went by and the states spending on the regulations increased with no positive visible effects. More companies went out of business and in extend the states revenue collection decreased. This meant that important projects stalled and people's livelihoods were lowered if not completely shattered.RecommendationsThe state should consider inclusivity of all stake holders. Things would be a little better if the government had considered taking profession views from economic experts; our economy could much better. The situation can still be salvaged and the professionals be allowed to make their reviews. Then it will be easier to amend the laws. Here I recommend the state to welcome economic experts on the round table and let their opinions matter. Company owners should also be left to add voice to the topic as the laws affect their enterprises directly; the more they are left out of the topic the more they will be kicked out of business. Non inclusivity leads to hostility and this will scare away investors. The general public should be allowed to cap the topic too as they are the direct beneficiaries of whatever the law dictates. The review timeline should be lowered from 10 years to round 2 years, development can be hastened and reversed if the effects are devastating by shortening the span. This span should be capped by short term policies that are to be met in it. It may seem that the shorter the lifespan, the more the expense because of the numerous activities; that is not the case the amount spent will be the same. In a span of 10 years you will hire a large lot of experts to carry out the research but if you break it down to two years you will have small sustainable number of employees that will have gained experience hence bring on board accurate data.The clean air act should be made flexible depending on the geographical setting of the company is and the importance of products it produces. If the laws on petroleum mining were not so stringent we could be having more oil to export and this will lower the unemployment rate in the state.Harmful substance research should be refined and be more specific. They should know the precise number of industries and population in a geographical area then deduce the effects. Most researches are carried out in urban areas but the laws that are passed from the specific researches are applied all over the country. The researchers should accept that different geographical areas have different quantities of harmful substances. It is only by perfection in research that the laws can be made flexible.Insurance laws should be studded just like the clean air laws to keep the health hazard companies that hire people in check. 0 They should state that upon discovery that the worker's health has been negatively affected in the line of duty that the compensation should twice as high the estimated value of the effectReference;Numerous reports done in 1979, 1989 and 1999 by EPA,The environmental program agencyResearch done in 1989 by Krupnick and koppThey worked for OTA, office of technology assessment.Book; Social cost of environmental quality regulations by Michael Hazilla
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Change Geared Towards the Future
Goals have always been incorporated in the lives of the people for as long as man can remember. I realized that the necessary knowledge that would be incorporated in my chosen career would benefit me especially in the future. Such idea has led me to enhance my craft further and pursue a Masterââ¬â¢s degree in Entrepreneurial Management from the European Business School in London. Since I was a young child, I have posed a great deal of interest in the field of business. I aced my examinations in math majors, most especially in Accounting, Economics, Law, and Chemistry. Applying all of these skills in the real world did not come as a difficulty form my end, for I was able to learn about the field of business in my own way.In addition to this, I found myself enjoying the challenges that the field of business has for its students. I could also say that I have improved myself, and matured for the betterment of my career.Coming from a family of businessmen also became my driving force in acquiring the said degree. It has been my belief that the European Business School would help me to become a diverse individual, competent enough to make it big in this fast and changing world.à The family business is not just something that should be taken for granted and in so doing, I would be able to make sure that our business would be flourished even at times of financial distraught.Furthermore, I am a dedicated worker who enjoys challenges. Instead of being pulled down, I become more determined to improve my craft for each difficulty experienced. In addition to this, I also possess the ability to achieve my desired results using decisive management and leadership styles. I make sure that I would grow with my peers, especially in my chosen field.I realized that applying motivational skills and maintaining a positive and supportive attitude towards others would effectively contribute in delivering solutions. Planning projects and organizing work was never a problem for me either, so achieving success is not as difficult as it may seem. Most importantly, I work well under pressure while still delivering the required work deemed from me and my peers.I am currently staying in Dubai venturing what life has in store for me. At the same time I am also running one of the real estate businesses that my family has. Regardless of such accomplishments, I am stil l focused and dedicated to my craft. Such passion allowed me to fulfil my dreams. I am now graduating with a BSc in Investment and Financial Risk Management following extensive study at the Cass Business School in London.My hopes and dreams do not end after commencement. I believe that the education and rigorous training this institution would provide me with would help me to achieve my dreams further. In so doing, I would be able to indulge myself in researches that would be catered to the improvement of policies and strategies that we use in the business.In our own way, we would be able to come up with ideas that would benefit not just the company, but the economic system of the country, as well. Through my hard work and perseverance, I would be able to someday inspire others to do the same thing and become someone of great importance to society.Regardless of my dedication for my work, I am also a well rounded individual. I balance my professional life by being a social individual and having a healthy lifestyle. I would spend time with friends without compromising the quality and quantity of work that I produce.Furthermore, I would have days when I would care for my health by playing tennis, and exploring the world through travels. Life is short, and I want to make sure that I would be able to promote change that would be geared towards the future of our society.
Monday, July 29, 2019
The Chemistry of Organic Molecules
THE CHEMISTRY OF ORGANIC MOLECULES I. MACROMOLECULES-large molecules that are composed of smaller molecules and atoms that are bonded together. These are among the largest of all chemical molecules. A. Polymers-the largest of the macromolecules. These are composed of numerous, small identical subunits known as Monomers. There are 4 major polymers that are important for living organisms. These polymers are; carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. B. Polymers are referred to as being organic compounds. Organic compounds are compounds that contain the elements carbon and hydrogen. 1.Chemical Properties of Carbon a. Carbon has 6 electrons. What is the structure of a carbon atom? b. Carbon can form 4 single covalent bonds with other atoms. It also has the ability to form double bonds with some atoms. Overall, the 4 bonds that carbon forms with other atoms makes the carbon stable. This stability is what makes carbon an important component of macromolecules. C. Functional Groups- groups of covalently bonded atoms that have definite chemical properties. 1. These always react in the same way, regardless of what molecule they are a part of. 2. Some polymers have several functional groups. . The exact arrangement of a functional group in a molecule greatly influences and determines the chemical properties of the particular molecule. 4. Important Functional Groups: a. Hydroxyl b. Carbonyl c. Carboxyl d. Amino e. Sulfhydryl f. Phosphate D. The Formation and Destruction of Polymers 1. Dehydration (Condensation) Reactions-reactions in which monomers bond together to produce polymers. a. Water is lost from the monomers in these reactions. 2. Hydrolysis Reactions-reactions in which polymers are broken down into monomers. a. These reactions require an input of water to occur.II. 4 MAJOR POLYMERS IN LIVING ORGANISMS A. Carbohydrates B. Lipids C. Proteins D. Nucleic Acids III. CARBOHYDRATES-includes sugars and related compounds. A. Carbohydrates are composed of three maj or elements: B. Carbohydrates tend to be very strong compounds due to the presence of carbon-hydrogen covalent bonds. C. Carbohydrates serve as a major source of energy for living cells. Some carbohydrates also serve as structural compounds in living cells. D. 3 Classes of Carbohydrates 1. Monosaccharides-simple sugars a. These serve as monomers for many of the larger carbohydrates. b.Structurally, these serve as rings or chains. c. Types of Monosaccharides 1. Glucose-C6H12O6 a. Serves as a major energy source for living cells. 2. Fructose a. Isomers-compounds with the same atoms and the same number of atoms but, that have different structures. Glucose and fructose are isomers of each other. 2. Dissacharides-sugars that are composed of 2 monosaccharides that are covalently bonded together. These are formed by dehydration reactions. a. Types of Disaccharides 1. Sucrose 2. Lactose 3. Maltose 3. Polysaccharides-sugars that are composed of more than 2 monosaccharides that are ovalently bonded together. These are often very large molecules. a. What types of reactions are these formed by? b. Types of Polysaccharides 1. Starch-a stored form of glucose in plant cells. Plants can use starch for energy under times of need or stress. Amylose is a common starch. 2. Cellulose-makes up the cell wall of plant cells. This is a thick, protective polysaccharide. Many animals do not contain the needed enzymes to break this compound down. Deer, cows and a few other animals have special bacteria in their stomachs that help digest and breakdown cellulose. 3.Glycogen-the storage form of glucose in animal cells. Many animals can convert glycogen into glucose under times of need or stress. This glucose can then be used as an energy source. Glycogen is stored in the liver and in some muscle fibers. 4. Chitin-a structural polysaccharide found in fungi and insects. This is also a thick, protective compound. IV. LIPIDS-includes fats, oils and waxes. A. All lipids are insoluble in water. 1 . What does this mean? B. Functions of Lipids in Living Organisms: C. Structure of a Typical Lipid 1. Lipids are composed of 2 major components: . Glycerol-a 3 carbon alcohol. 1) Hydroxyl groups bond to each of the carbon atoms in glycerol. 2) Glycerol serves as the major backbone unit for most lipids. b. Fatty Acids 1) Three fatty acid molecules attach to glycerol to form a lipid. Each fatty acid replaces the hydrogen atom on the hydroxyl groups of the glycerol molecule. Due to this, there is one fatty acid bonded to each carbon atom of the glycerol molecule. a) Due to this arrangement, lipids are often referred to as triglycerides. 2) Saturated fats-occur when the fatty acid groups contain single covalent onds between their carbon atoms. There are no carbon to carbon double bonds in these. a) In other words, the carbon atoms are saturated with as many hydrogen atoms as possible. b) These are known as animal fats are solids at room temperature. c) Are these bad for us? 3) Unsaturat ed fats-occur when fatty acids contain double bonds between their carbon atoms. These are often referred to as vegetable oils. a) Polyunsaturated fats- b) These types of fats are liquids at room temperature. D. Types of Lipids 1. Phospholipids-contain only 2 fatty acid tails. These are found in cell membranes.They have hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails. 2. Waxes-serve as protective coverings over surfaces. 3. Hormones-chemicals that regulate the growth and functioning of living organisms. 4. Steroids-there are several different types of steroids: a. Cholesterol-common steroid. 1) Humans do need a small amount of cholesterol for: a) The formation of Vitamin D b) The production of estrogen and testosterone 2) Cholesterol is carried through the human body by 2 proteins that are found in the human bloodstream: a) Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL)-this protein is responsible for elivering cholesterol to body cells and tissues where it is needed. This is often referred to as the ââ¬Å" bad cholesterol. â⬠b) High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)-this protein removes cholesterol from cells and tissues and transports it to the liver where it is secreted into bile. This is usually known as ââ¬Å"good cholesterol. â⬠1) Bile-compound that is secreted by the liver that aids in digestion. Bile is also a waste product that is excreted from the body. It contains fatty wastes and it is excreted via feces. 3) Cholesterol in the human diet comes only from animal products. ) Normal Cholesterol Readings in young individuals should be around 180mg/dl. This rises to 230-250 mg/dl as humans age. 5) An important issue relating to cholesterol is the LDL/HDL Ratio. a) A high HDL values ensures that cholesterol is removed from body tissues in an adequate fashion. b) A low HDL values indicates that cholesterol removal is not occurring as it should. c) If cholesterol is not removed from the body, it can form plaques or deposits in the arteries of the body. This is a major cause of heart disease and heart attack. 6) How can an individual increase their HDL levels? b.Anabolic Steroids 1) These steroids are thought to increase muscle mass. 2) Side Effects of Steroid Use Include: c. Not all steroids are bad. Some are used to treat allergies and other human illnesses. These steroids do not cause the side-effects mentioned above. V. PROTEINS A. Functions of Proteins in Living Organisms 1. Make up cell membranes 2. Make up enzymes- 3. In collagen-protein that provides strength and support to structures in the body. 4. In keratin-a thick, protective protein. 5. Transport-some protein carry various materials through the body. An example would be hemoglobin. 6.Defense-proteins are in antibodies. 7. Proteins make up the contractile portion of human muscle. The major contractile proteins are actin and myosin. B. Proteins are found in and are essential for both plants and animals. C. Protein Structure 1. Proteins are composed of many amino acids that are bonded together. 2. Peptide Bonds- 3. Chains of bonded amino acids are often referred to as polypeptides. 4. What attaches amino acids together? 5. Amino Acids-there are 20 naturally occurring amino acids. They can bond in a variety of sequences to produce proteins. a. General Structure of an Amino Acid: . Some common amino acids include: phenylalanine, tryptophan, asparagine 6. Proteins can occur as simple chains or they can exhibit complex structures. 7. Denaturation- a. What can cause denaturation to occur? VI. NUCLEIC ACIDS A. These are composed of nucleotides that are covalently bonded together. What forms these bonds? B. Individual Nucleotides Contain: 1. A 5 Carbon Sugar 2. A Phosphate group 3. A Nitrogen-containing base C. Types of Nucleic Acids: 1. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)- 2. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)- 3. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)- 4. Coenzymes- VII. MACROMOLECULES AND THEIR MONOMERS
The origins of modern dance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The origins of modern dance - Essay Example Modern dance form allowed for self-expression and allowed the dancer to design ones own steps and sequences (Dance Tutor, 2009). While these dance forms were invented in USA, the dancers were not very well received in USA and they had to travel to Europe where the audience was much more appreciative. Up till 1927, modern dance was regarded more as a form of curiosity and not taken seriously with audiences in US, booing away the dancers. Many in the audience could not accept a female dancer making pelvic thrusts repeatedly. In the great depression, modern dance was found to be ideal to represent the economic troubles that the people faced and gradually more people practiced it. Learning it did not require great expense and one could dance bare feet and wearing street clothes. Gradually, modern dance and its various forms were adapted into movies, musicals, and the classical dance form of ballet faded into the background. Modern dance grew into various sub forms such as Postmodern, Contemporary, Expressionist, Salsa, Reggaeton, Modern Jive, Hip Hop, Street dance and many more (Dance Tutor, 2009). Lester Horton, born in who lived from 1906 till 1953 was one of the founders of American modern dance. He was a skilled choreographer who invented a number of creative and innovative styles of dancing. Lester took to dancing at a young age and combined ballet, native American dance, art and the stage to create a unique form of dancing. He initially danced and participated in a number of dance pageants that were held in different cities and also collaborated with a number of other choreographers and dancers. He danced and partnered with artists such as Michio Ito from Japan and he continued to promote and popularise modern dance among a wide section of the population. In those days, ballet was considered as the accepted dance form and all other dance forms including modern dance were regarded with
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry Term Paper
Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry - Term Paper Example The more surprising aspect is that the service industries like for e.g. hotels depend much more than manufacturing industries on their human capital for the quality of service being delivered by the intangible interface between the staff (the service provider) and the customer. The reason for this could be that the ââ¬Ëservices sectorââ¬â¢ is not homogeneous and includes such diversified industries and services like banking, business services, catering, distribution, finance, insurance, leasing, hotels, and transport etc. In addition to this, it is estimated that sixty-five to seventy-five percent of work in the manufacturing industries also relates to ââ¬Ëservicesââ¬â¢. However, the services provided by different industries are different in content and nature and for the reason cannot be dealt with as a general proposition. For example, the hotel industry is seasonal unlike many others listed above. The hotel industry is characterized by ad hoc management, lack of trade unionism and high labor turnover. (Hoque 1999a 4)The quality of human resources could well be the differentiator that can lend a competitive edge to the industry. The reputation that a hotel earns for its quality of service, is difficult for its competitors to replicate. The core philosophy of human resource management is that employee commitment enhances employe... sen sums up the key objectives for pursuing strategic HRM in the hotel industry as follows: it must focus on both activities generating value for the company and optimizing HRM costs at the same time (value contribution); it must develop, promote and retain human capital to suit the company's strategic objectives (aligni ng human capital with strategic objectives); and it must anticipate and support change initiatives with necessary processes, methods, and instruments for a smooth transition (managing change). Hoque cites other researchers like Guest (1987) and Beer et al., (1985) to argue that employees' commitment makes them more satisfied, productive, adaptable, willing to accept organizational goals and values, and not mind to 'stretch' themselves to meet organizational goals.à Ã
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Health and Women as Healers in the African American Culture Research Paper
Health and Women as Healers in the African American Culture - Research Paper Example African Americans have a long health tradition and practices of health that shape what they do to care for themselves today. According to Becker, Rahima, and Edwina (par. 9), the traditional medicine of African Americans can be traced back past enslavement in America to their native cultures in Africa. Fundamental facets of the African American culture are key self-care strategy development. There is a basic self-care approach that builds on extensive values and practices. These practices and values comprise of social support, spirituality and traditional medicine. Each of these practices of culture is vital in shaping the understanding of an individual of self-care. Together, they form the foundation for the activities of self-care that are cultured further so as to manage illnesses. Nonetheless, when the cultural approach to self-care was applied to particular health concerns, the establishment of additional self-care strategies was impacted by access to health care. Health care accessibility made a difference in how individuals managed their illnesses Healing has a long alliance with faith, spirit, family support and altered consciousness state. Women have traditionally been healers in the society in all cultures, as healing has been viewed as the natural duty of wives and mothers. Healing has also been regarded as a natural display of the feminine principle. Healing is the return toward the integrity natural state and individual wholeness. Healers facilitate the process of healing. The woman healer learns or inherits skills and abilities of healing from family, apprenticeships or spirits. The woman healer can holistically observe the intricate nature of the illness. Then, she treats the mind, body and spirit with stress in the spirit and practice prevention of disease. Moreover, their clients trust them. These women have a distinct connection to the spirit world that empowers them to heal. Additionally, they are wise to
Friday, July 26, 2019
Case write-up Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Write-up - Case Study Example In this case, what the music industry needed to do was to look for ways to monetize the mass market for the music, especially the younger generation that tended to think that music should be free. One of the issues that were present in the music industry in 2006 was the fact that there was no concerted effort to deal with the issues. Instead of the major players coming together to develop a solution, they were busy fighting each other. In cases where the players attempted to come together, this was only done in the form of mergers and this did not help in solving the problems. The biggest weakness that the music industry had in 2006, and still remains a problem, was the inability for the industry to realize that internet technology was to stay and that it would shift the way things were done in the this industry forever. Instead of adopting the new ways, the players in the industry were too busy trying to fight off the use of technology. This did not work very well for the industry. Wells and Raabe (1) indicate that the industry lacked foresight in this area and therefore faced a difficulty in making the new technology (internet) an opportunity instead of a threat. Ironically, the very source of weaknesses was also the very source of advantage. The same internet technology that was threatening to decline the CD sales was the same technology that was increasing digital sales (Wells and Raabe 6). The internet provided the music industry with a new way to deliver the music to the consumers. The internet could be used in so many ways, including promoting the sale of single songs instead of depending on selling whole albums like it was done in the traditional CD sales. The use of internet would also minimize cost by cutting so many costs such as the cost of producing the CDs and DVDs. It also eliminated that need for third party sellers, meaning that the users could get the music at a cheaper price. The new trends for such music products
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Competition Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Competition - Term Paper Example The market price in a perfect competition is determined by the market forces namely, the demand and supply of the products. The features of perfect competition are as follows, There are a large number of buyers and sellers in a perfect competitive market that neither a single buyer nor a single seller can influence the price. The price is determined by the market forces namely the demand for the supply of the products. Thus the sellers in the perfectly competitive market are price takers and quantity adjusters. The products produced by all the firms in a perfectly competitive market must be homogenous and identical in all respects i.e. the products in the market are same in quantity, size, taste etc. The products of different firms are perfect substitutes and the cross elasticity is infinite. Both the buyers and the sellers are fully aware of he current price in the market. Therefore the buyer will not offer higher price and the sellers will not accept a price less than the one which is prevailing in the market. There must be complete freedom for the entry of new firms or the exit of the existing firms from the industry. In times of profits, new firms will enter into the markets and in time of loss the existing firms will leave the industry. In a perfect competition it is assumed that there are no transportation costs. Because in perfect competition, a commodity is sold at same price throughout the market. So if transportation costs are incurred firms closer to the market will charge a lesser price than the firms far away. So, it is assumed that there are no transportation costs. Under perfect competition price is determined by the market forces namely the demand for and supply of the commodities. Hence there is uniform price in the market. As a result the average revenue is perfectly elastic. The AR curve is horizontally parallel to x-axis. Since the average revenue is
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Strang Steel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Strang Steel - Essay Example Gross Profit Margin: This ratio tells the profit of the firm in relation to sales, after the cost of producing the goods is deducted. Over the three years, the gross profit has been declining showing the inefficiency of Strang Steel's operations.Net Profit Margin: This ratio depicts the profit in relation to sales that a firm earns after taking account of all the expenses and taxes. It tells a firm's net income per dollar of sales. The net profit has also been declining over the three years showing that Strang Steel's sales profitability has declined. This could be attributed to the expenses rising steadily over the three years and eating out of the profits.Return on Equity: This ratio shows the return earned on the funds invested by the shareholders of the company. This ratio is also on the decline over the three years showing that the shareholders are getting less and less of their worth and the company is providing weak investment opportunities.Current Ratio: This ratio measures t he firm's ability to meet short-term obligations. It shows the effectiveness of the utilization of current assets to meet short-term liabilities. Strang Steel's current ratio has declined steadily in the three years showing that the current assets are proving less and less useful in meeting the current liabilities and hence the inability of the company to pay its bills. Quick Ratio: This ratio is more conservative in its approach to measuring a firm's liquidity position as it excludes inventories (the least liquid portion of the current assets). This ratio is between currents assets excluding stocks and current liabilities. From the year 2003 to 2004, the quick ratio has increased showing that the firm is efficiently meeting its short-term obligations but from year 2004 to 2005, the ratio has dipped showing the current assets have not been utilized in the proper manner to maintain the rising trend of the previous years. Average Collection Period: This ratio tells us the average number of days that receivables are outstanding before being collected. From the year 2003 to year 2004, the days have risen showing that Strang Steel has a very lenient policy with regard to collecting its receivables and the debtors are taking a long time in paying their dues. Having too many receivables is not good for the money as a lot of money is tied up which could be invested elsewhere. However, from the year 2004 to 2005, the number of days has sharply declined showing the change of the management's policy regarding receivables and the debtors paying up in just 20 days. Inventory Turnover in Days: This ratio illustrates the number of days on average before inventory is turned into accounts receivables through sales. The number of days has declined over the three years showing that Strang Steel has gotten effective each year in turning its inventory into sales. Total Asset Turnover: This ratio shows the relationship of sales to total assets. This ratio has increas
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
African Cultural Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
African Cultural Practices - Essay Example The case in point is how Oduduwa ceremony is presided over by priests and priestess in Yoruba land found in Nigeria. Although Africa is rich in ceremonies, the sacred ceremony for the Oduduwa the first king of the Yoruba community is one of kind. In this festival, drumming is prohibited and instead a percussive instrument known as eganira is used (Olupona 83). Notably, the instrument is particularly used by priests and priestess who have learned how to effectively produce the desired sound. Sound from drums and chanting from priests usually communicate to the spirits and ancestors thus they are evoked to answer the needs of the society. The ceremony was of great importance especially for those that believe in the power of traditional beliefs. Chanting from the priests and priestess has enabled Yoruba community to engage deity forces with courage as they try to inspire them through chanting. The Oduduwa ceremony was first conducted in Nigeria; it specifically started at Yoruba land a region that was formally dominated by the Yoruba community. The ceremony initially started as a move to engage forces from the evil. Because of their rich cultural practices, the Yoruba community has since continued to enjoy high profit made from the sales of beads and objects. This has really boosted Nigerian economy because of high income obtained from the tourism sector. Interestingly, Yoruba community has practiced the ceremony up-to-date despite challenging influence from modern way of life especially targeting the young generation. Priests and priestess take the center stage of the ceremony; they are the ones in charge of presiding over the ceremony. Priests are perceived as being mystical since they obtain powerful spirit during their initiation. They relentlessly learn how to tune their voices like an instrument in order to contend the supernatural powers.
Introduction to Ethics -- Arguments for and against affirmative action Essay
Introduction to Ethics -- Arguments for and against affirmative action - Essay Example It seeks to create an environment where race and gender will not stand against someoneââ¬â¢s ability to move up the hierarchy if one has the necessary skills and credentials for the job (Libertella, Sora & Natale, 2007). It is meant to correct the wrongs that have been created against the people of a specific gender, race, or religion. While the intentions were right, over time the imposition of AA started showing signs of reverse discrimination where the rights of the majority were at stake. Based on the policies of AA, people started giving preference to members of the target group without merit and the quotas for minorities were filled up carelessly. All these resulted in the White males being deprived of their basic rights. Thus Affirmative Action, while trying to provide equal opportunities to all, ends up in discriminating the Whites, and hence unethical. There will always be two sides to an argument and whether it is fair to the Whites or not, remains debatable. At times, some sacrifices for the greater good of the society are better than no action. If this be true, AA is justified because the intention is to provide more opportunities to the minorities and women. Nevertheless, this amounts to social segregation. Arguments again abound that social segmentation exists in every society based on religion, race and economic differences. Such segregation or discrimination might work for some time for social good. People have tried to justify that AA helped to make up for past wrongs. Instead of doing justice it violates the rights of the Whites for equal consideration (Stanford, 2005). Besides, discrimination on the basis of a belief that one race or sex is inferior is wrong because it violates the moral right to equal respect (Himma, 2001). Decision need to be taken based on character and abilities and not on stereotype. In a democratic system,
Monday, July 22, 2019
Business in India Essay Example for Free
Business in India Essay In order to do business in India, it is necessary ensure that the business is set under the required procedures and regulations of industrial undertaking.à The goods to be manufactured should fall within licensed, relicensed or small scale sector.à A license allows a company to use the property of the licensor.à The properties could either be intangible items like trademarks, patent rights and production techniques. To get the license, one is required to fill an application with the Ministry of Industry. Starting a company in India for the aforesaid involves assessing the commercial opportunity for self, managing business, obtaining legal requirements, money, business premises, obtaining workers and developing the marketing schemes for the products to be produced and the services to be offered. In this case Roger Smith at Prime Pumps has suggested that Maddock Inc and Governor Inc enter the Indian market as a joint venture.à It will be a great idea to take since a joint venture business has the advantage of sharing risks, sharing of technology to increase and improve production and it is possible to conform to governmentââ¬â¢s regulations.à Also, in a joint venture business internationally, there are quick political connections and distribution channels. Having done business together, it means that the two business associates will experience the converging of their strategic goals while diverging their competitive goal.à In this they will only operate to improve their business by influencing market power and learning from one another while restraining admittance to their personal proprietary skills. Advantages of early entry into a foreign market The company enjoys monopoly since there could be no other companies producing the same products. This increases the profits and hence the company can expand its operations in a very short time limit. A company enjoys reduced labor cost as there are no other firms to compete with in determining wage packages.à The workers will not have options to choose which companies to work for in regard to the pay accorded. Ability to secure a wide market in the absence of other competing companies hence increased sales will be experienced. Disadvantages of early entry into a foreign market Lack of competition could lead to poor production quality of goods or services that a company is dealing with. Poor quality goods could pose a health hazard situation to the consumer and this could also lead to a crisis in the economy A company might not have the power to confront the government when its operating alone in a foreign market pertaining the rights of foreign companies and this could cause oppression on the side of the company for lack of bargaining power. Peter should be careful to consider what the targets are for the business to be set up in India, where to locate the business and the manner in which it should be established.à He should outline how ready is the business to give back to the community in terms of employing the local citizens in India, producing quality services and products.à They should also investigate and learn the interests and requirements of the people of India and provide possible solutions to the same. Peter will have to estimate the potential correctly to avoid underestimation of Indiaââ¬â¢s complexity or overestimation of the probabilities in India. Overestimation or Underestimation may lead to failure and it is necessary to give a due consideration to the factor of the inherent difficulties and uncertainties of operating in the Indian system.à It is worth noting that India is has a large economy in the world and it offers high prospects for development in practically all areas of business. Also the inefficient bureaucracy of the Indian government is moving slowly which calls for reforms. Since Melanie has limited knowledge regarding international law, it will not be appropriate for Peter to share with her what other companions have suggested because she might not even understand.à Lack of knowledge on international law means that Melanie will not have an idea of how to deal with any occurrence in the international field. Conclusion For a business to thrive in a foreign country, the owners should ensure that they comply with federal regulations so that there will be a smooth running of the business without disturbance from the local authorities.à For the joint venture business, the partners should sign up the partnership deed to ensure they conduct themselves as per the requirements. It is important that individual also have a general knowledge of international law and business operations to avoid any inconveniences.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Maxis Market Opportunity
Maxis Market Opportunity Maxis communications company, is Malaysias largest mobile service provider, or about forty percent of the Malaysian mobile phone market. The company providing a wide range of innovative mobile, fixed and international network services to their customers. Besides that, Maxis was first telecommunication company who launched the 3G services, such as 3G connect Card, PC Webmail, Video Mail and 3G prepaid. It is founded in year 1993. Maxis Mobile Sdn Bhd , which the founder is Ananda Krishnan who are one of the richest man in Malaysia. In 1999, Maxis create the popular prepaid brand Hotlink, which currently has 10 Million customers. In 2002, Maxis purchased from Timecel, a competitor mobile service provider. Before the purchase, Maxis offered phone numbers beginning with 012, and TimeCell 017. Now, user can choose between the two. In 2007, The company in preparation for expansions into the Indonesian and Indian markets. In 2009, The initial public issue and which constitute 30% of the com pany under the close supervision of the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. STRATEGY Maxis believe that its extensive customers based strong hold in the high value segments, high quality network and services, effective distribution, recognize brands equity and resulting strong cash flow generation will allow it to consolidate its position as the market leader. Firstly, Maxis focused on conducting business responsibly in the marketplace .Secondly, nurturing talents and developing their potential in the workplace and contributing towards the communities. Lastly, doing their part to mitigate the impact of Maxis operations on the environment. OBJECTIVE Become the leading provider of convergence solutions for enterprises in Malaysia. Ãâà Become leading mobile communication service provider in Malaysia. MISSION Today -Malaysias leading mobile communications service provider. Tomorrow -The nations premier integrated communications service provider. VISION To bring the future to our customers lives and business, in a manner that is simple, personalised and enriching, by efficiently and creatively harnessing leading-edge technology and delivering a brand of service experience that is reliable and enchanting. TARGET MARKET However it is found that most student range from 7-18 are using Digi. While the user range of 19-35 are using Maxis. Maxis company involved in a wide range, suitable for businessmen. Product Maxis provide a variety of products and services in mobile communication flied, such as prepaidÃâà call plans, monthly subscription plans,Ãâà global roaming,Ãâà MMS,Ãâà WAPÃâà (over bothÃâà GSMÃâà andÃâà GPRS), Residential Fixed Line services,Ãâà BroadbandÃâà Internet plans. It was the first to launch 3G services to both prepaid and postpaid subscription customers. Besides that, they offerÃâà VSATÃâà services (satellite based communications) andÃâà BlackBerryÃâà based mobile services besides regular services. Maxis also provide an online Music store for its customers to use it. Maxis most popular service is its prepaid brand Hotlink and focus on the segment of students, family and friend, working adults and business field. Thus, its branding was set up year by year. So far, Maxis is well-known. Product Life Cycle 2.jpg When a product reaches maturity, sales growth slows and sales volume eventually peaks and stability. This is the stage during which the market as a whole makes the most profit. A companys primary objective at this point is to defend market share while maximize profit. In this stage, prices tend to drop due to increased competition. Maxiss fixed costs are low because it is has well established production and distribution. Since the brand of maxis awareness is strong, marketing expenditure might be reduced, although increased marketing expenditure might be needed to retain market share and fight increasing competition. Expenditure on research and development is likely to be restricted to product modification and improvement, and perhaps research into improved production efficiency and product quality. Promotion The main Maxis promotion is through the promoter to help us push up the Maxiss market share. Those promoters will go into Maxis use the sponsor to let the brand to be more awareness such as: Maxis is official telco sponsor for badminton association of Malaysia. Maxis sponsorship will contribute to Badminton Association of Malaysias development program and create opportunities for new talent to be nurtured and be prepared for competition at the various international badminton circuits. Maxis is pleased to play a part in achieving Badminton Association of Malaysias objectives and goals as well as sustaining success on the court. As a sponsor, Maxis will be supporting Badminton Association of Malaysia in its development program such as running of the training facilities, payment for coaches as well as running costs for the association in participating in various tournaments. Maxis also provide scholarship for the brightest graduate student to pursue their courses in every University in order to promote their company. Maxis also trying to find celebrities to help us increase their brand awareness such as, Datos Lee Chong Wei, Frank Lampard and Lionel Messi. Maxis also focus on planning, they always launch a lot of package for customer, such as Value Plus 50, Value Internet Plus 50. It can increase the awareness of customer, and let the customers to become their users. Besides that, Maxis also use the social media to promote their new product for the youngsters, such as Internet, Radio and Television Advertisement. For the odd, they will give them some handbook which clearly list out the latest product for them. Community event is one of the promotions, such as the Maxis Cyberkids Camp 2010. In this camp, the Maxis featured its broadband products and educational programmes. Distribution Channels In a competitive and complex communications industry, the variety change of technological innovation is no any single one company can survive if it operates alone. And Maxis has known about the need to work with a range of different partners locally and globally to broaden out range of offerings and to enhance our capabilities as the preferred communications solutions provide. According to Maxis website, it has 250 outlets in Malaysia to serve their customer. The main distributions channels of Maxis are ZyXEL communications Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd, ZyXEL will help Maxis to provide a value-added service in order to succeed in broadband market and bring out the outstanding performance solutions at the most competitive price. Advanced Broadband Communications Sdn Bhd, they help Maxis to provide total telecommunication solutions and services for both conventional IP Systems. They also will develop the all IP-based solutions and services are targeted at business and personal users at any levels. Techscience Consultants Services Sdn Bhd, they provide multi dimensional business solution. The Maxis Partner including application providers, content providers and system Integrators. The application providers provide solution, application and tools to customer propositions. The content providers enhance the valuable information to business by providing information anywhere, anytime and on any device. The System Integrators have industry, domain and application specific-expertise backed up to integrate business solutions. They are including DynaFront, OPTEGRA, QuickNet com and so on. The Maxis Alliances including technology partner, device hardware partner and consulting partner. The technology partner provides base functionality and interoperability of software, infrastructure and development tool. The device hardware partner provide the ever changing device and hardware necessary. The consulting partner provides the specialized and consulting service in specific field and specific knowledge. They are including HP, IBM, Microsoft and so on. Price The objective of pricing strategy is based on firm earning and needs of market. Meanwhile, it is also foundation of the pricing strategy. The Maxiss pricing objectives including profitability objective, its purpose is to maximize the profit and target return. The volume objective, its purpose is to maximize quantity and become market share leader. Thus, the psychological pricing strategy is most being used by Maxis. Psychological pricing is designed to appeal to customers who use emotional rather than rational responses to pricing messages. For Example, Maxis sell the mobile phone at RM999, RM1199. It will make customer to believe the price is cheaper and attract them to buy it. Besides that, it allows Maxis to influence customers view a product without the need to actually the product. Maxis is considered as a dominant company, thus, they also use high pricing strategy to sell their product in order to make more profit to the Maxis. Market opportunity of maxis Market opportunity means that newly identified need, want, or demand trend that a firm can exploit because it is not being addressed by the competitors.There are two market opportunity for Maxis in order to increase their company revenue and profit. Now days, Maxis had launch many device promotion and plan to attract and also increase their customers. Such as Maxis company is launching some Apples company product and also some latest android smart phone. Although the product are not manufacturing by them, but they use this opportunity to attract customer because in days right now, smart phone is playing an important role among the people, it helps people a lot in their daily life such as reading mail in everywhere at any time, and also can access to internet for information easily. But the problem is the price for a smart phone is expensive and are not affordable by many people, so Maxis company had launch the package for purchasing the smart phone in a low price and also at the same time their customer can enjoy the internet which are include in the package. So this attract many people who decide to take the package that Maxis offer because it is useless with a smart phone without internet, if a people buy a smart phone, he wil l also need to sign up a internet package but in this case, Maxis had launch a two in one package to convenience their customer. Besides that, Maxis Company is also up to trend. Because they are not just launching Apples product but they are also launching others smart phone such as Blackberry and also Samsungs smart phone. Others than smart phone, Maxis is launching tablet device in different package such as Samsung tab and also Ipad. This will attract many people especially the generation youth and the generation x to purchase and sign up their package. The second market opportunity that Maxis created is the 3G wireless broadband plans. This wireless broadband is actually for laptop or computer to access to internet at home or everywhere because the broadband need not to charge battery before use and also it also can function without putting a switch to the wall to have electric. It just only needs to plug in to the laptop USB drive to work. This wills convenience people who are travelling to other state in Malaysia and also are very suitable for business and personal use. The package is cheap comparing to others company and the coverage of Maxis is Malaysia is very strong. Maxis is also launching the fourth generation mobile phone communication standard which we called it 4G in the year 2013. With the latest technology of 4G, it will be faster to download and also access to internet comparing to 3G. So Maxis also grasp this opportunity in market and they are also starting their Research and development in order to launching the latest 4G in the market to increase their customer, their sales volume, their revenue and also the most important is to compete with their competitors such as Tm Unifi, Digi broadband, P1 Wimax, Celcom Broadband and others company that exist in the Market. Recommendation for maxis First of all, it is recommended that Maxis take immediate measures to launch smartphone plan in its call plan or internet plan. In fact, according to a March 2010 Nielson survey, more than 50 percent of Americans own smartphones. The smartphone offered in market are mainly from two major players which is Googles Android and Apples iPhone.Salodow, K. (2012). Approximately half of all respondents had a smartphone at the time of the ABI survey. Projections for market penetration indicate that by 2015, three-quarters of businessà users will be toting smartphones.Barnes, N., Barnes, F. (2012).Besides, Blackberry smartphone also can take into account. The growth of mobile smartphone is pretty amazing. By offering these smartphone in low priced together with Maxis plan package, this would attract a lot more new customer to subscribe to Maxis plan. After they started to use Maxis service, they might find the service is affordable and continue to use Maxis service in a long term. Due to th e interpersonal determinants of consumer behavior, when everyone has a smartphone, this would influence one another to own a smartphone too. If Maxis offer an affordable price for these smartphone together with a package plan, there would be a lot of customer will consider subscribing the package. Well, smartphone will always introducing the new series of its model. The result of that are smartphone model and package plan must be always up to date in order to catch customer attention. The growth of users of Maxis would be huge and this might leads to a profitable outcome. Other than launching smartphone plans, it is also recommended that Maxis should focus on its 3G wireless broadband plans. Internet has fundamentally altered the way the world interacts and communicates. Internet use has grown up not only in total numbers, but also in terms of per capita usage. Maxis also signs up Siemens for 3G expansion.Maxis had invested US$108m on a controlled roll-out of its 3G network following service launch in July.Dennis, W. (2005).This shows that the network coverage of Maxis is improving rapidly. The purpose of doing this is to extend its maxis 3G coverage to more areas in the country. Maxis CEO, Jamaludin Ibrahim says the company will first focus on the states of Johor, Penang and the Klang valley before going nationwide over a period of two to five years, depending on the success rate in the initial key areas. Dennis, W. (2005). With the proper improvement done by Maxis, the 3G service that offered by Maxis would meet customer expectation in the future. Rapid advances in mobile Internet technologies now allow consumers to interact, create, and share content based on physical location. Such ubiquitous access tothe mobile Internet also provides companies with new marketing opportunities. Ghose, A., Sang Pil H. (2011).Therefore, Maxis should offer more different kind of quota package in order to satisfy their customer needs. With a higher internet quota package, it might cost a little bit more. It leads to a better profit. Furthermore, Maxis is looking to launch its 4G service early next year in 2013. This is a good market opportunity for Maxis to attract more customers with this brand new service. Therefore, Maxis should spend a little more on their advertisement in order to promote this upcoming service. The purpose of these advertisement made is not just for promoting the service, but also to explain how 4G works and the benefits of using it. InÃâà telecommunications,Ãâà 4GÃâà is the fourth generation ofÃâà mobile phoneÃâà mobile communicationsÃâà standards. With hold, Maxis has entered into an infrastructure and spectrum sharing agreement which will enable customers to speed up the development of their 4G LTE mobile networks. Once it built, its 4G LTE will be able to deliver the fastest mobile data connectivity not just in Malaysia, but the region with transmission rates up to 150mbps. LTE networks can handle twice the traffic of most 3GÃâà networks, the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and video-streaming and cloud-computing services will drive up demand for mobile data eighteenfold through 2016, according to Cisco.Burrows, P. (2012).It is an advance service which could meet heavy internet users expectation. It is a successor of theÃâà third generationÃâà (3G) standards. Therefore, the charges will be cost slightly higher than 3G service. Above all mentioned are the recommendation that suits Maxis to increase their profit and also attract more customers. The basic objective of business is to develop, produce and supply goods and services to customers. This has to be done in such a way as to allow companies to make a profit. In conclusion, Maxis must always come out with new ideas and practice it different ways in order to sustained in the market.Only profitable companies are sustainable in the long term and capable of creating goods, services, processes, return on capital, work opportunities and a tax base. Conclusion At last, we know that the Maxis SDN BHD is a very good company by its use the strategic to all the customer. And control their worker to give the customer the best, let the customer satisfied to its company. And the manager monitor their worker to accomplish the mission. Maxis always do the promotion to let the goodwill of maxis is increasing. The product of maxis is always up to date let the customer can change the plan and to change the mobile phone such as iphone 5 and the data plan of maxis. Maxis also manage the distribution channel to meet the customer demand. The Maxiss pricing objectives including profitability objective, its purpose is to maximize the profit and target return. The volume objective, its purpose is to maximize quantity and become market share leader. Thus, the psychological pricing strategy is most being used by Maxis. And we recommendation to maxis, that are our people need and want by now. So if the maxis can do that, we think maxis is the leader of the mobi le communications service provider. References Bibliography MAXIS IS OFFICIAL TELCO SPONSOR FOR BADMINTON ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA. (2012, November 5). Retrieved november 13, 2012, from Maxis: Product Life Cycle model. (2009, january 25). Retrieved november 13, 2012, from tomspencer: Vison Value. (2012). Retrieved november 13, 2012, from Maxis: Arumugam, T. (2012, March 04). Marketing plan for maxis. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from slideshare: MANUFACTURING STRATEGY. (2012, February 29). Retrieved November 11, 2012 , from manustrategy: Pricing Setting Prices Pricing Objectives. (2012, October 24). Retrieved November 13, 2012, from tutor2u: Maxis Communications. (2012, November 15). Retrieved November 16, 2012 , from wikipedia: Dennis, W. (2005). HYNIX BACK ON TRACK. lEE Review , 1. The iPhone/Android Hits the DR Market. (2012). responsemagazine , 1-6. Smartphone Technologies. (2012). INFORMATIONMANAGEMENT , 1-7. An Empirical Analysis of User Content Generation. (2011). MANAGEMENT SCIENCE , 1-22.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Prosthetics :: essays research papers
Introduction Prosthetics is the branch of surgery dealing with mechanical devices used to reproduce the form and function of missing body parts. Prosthetics is the replacement of faulty or amputated body parts with artificial body parts. Artificial limbs have been in use since at least 300 BC. In AD 1509 German knight, GÃ ¶tz von Berlichingen, called GÃ ¶tz of the Iron Hand, wore an artificial hand with jointed fingers. Early in the 19th century a German prosthesist built a hand with fingers that could be flexed or extended and that could hold light objects, such as a pen or a hat. Before World War I (1914-1918), wood was considered the best substance for making artificial legs, but later an aluminum alloy called Duraluminum, and more recently fiber materials, have made artificial limbs both lightweight and strong. In recent years, the manufacture of prosthetic devices has developed into a science. Artificial limbs with functioning joints can simulate natural motion. Hip joint prostheses can pr ovide virtually normal mobility for people with damaged hip joints. History Artificial limbs, in one form or other, have been in use from ancient times. In 1885, a specimen was discovered in a tomb at Capua, Italy, along with other relics dating from 300BC. The celebrated artificial hand built in 1509 for the German knight Gotz von Berlichingen, who was called Gotz of the Iron Hand, weighed about 1.4 kg (3 lb.) and had articulated fingers so constructed as to be able to grasp a sword or lance. The hand is in the NÃ ¼rnberg Museum and is still in working order. Early in the 19th century a German prosthesist built a hand with fingers that could be flexed or extended without assistance and yet could still close to hold light objects, such as a pen, a handkerchief, or a hat. In 1851, a French prosthesist invented an artificial arm fitted with a wooden hand and attached to a leather socket that fitted the stump firmly. The fingers were half-closed, the thumb pivoted on a pin and could press firmly against the fingertips by a concealed, strong rubber band; the gr asp of the thumb could be operated by a mechanism attached to the opposite shoulder. The same inventor devised a leg that reproduced a natural gait and lengthened the stride. Technology Before World War I, wood was universally considered the best substance for making artificial legs. Prosthetic devices made of leather reinforced with metal bands tended to lose their shape and were therefore unsatisfactory.
For the Sisterhood Essay -- Women Feminist Feminism Papers
For the Sisterhood The female praying mantis is notorious in the animal kingdom for her mating habits. It has been observed that occasionally, the female will bite off the head of her mate during copulation. Among the many reasons for this cannibalistic behavior is that the head is an inhibitory center during sexual intercourse. Removing the head increases the drive of the male. As I sat in lecture listening to my Animal Behavior professor elaborate on the peculiar yet fascinating mating habits of the female praying mantis, I saw my male classmates around me squirm in their seats obviously disturbed by what they were hearing. Some of the girls in the room tittered nervously. I could not help smiling. Now there is a woman after my own heart. I often ask myself what I consider an ideal woman. In my mind, an ideal woman is independent, ambitious, self-sufficient. She has no fear of reaching for what may seem unattainable. Instead, she thrives on the challenge. Looking around, I see there are plenty of women who fit that mold. The US government has more high ranking women in office today than it has had at any other time in history. Compared to even just ten years ago, women are a visible force in the corporate world. The times have yielded us highly accomplished and highly successful women professors, writers, policewomen, musicians, doctors, lawyers. The list goes on and on. However, even with all the progress that has been made for women in the past few decades, there is undeniably a glass ceiling for women. Gender division of labor exists. Despite these progressive times, society still imposes expectations on women in all aspects of life, and women have not yet completely broken out ... ...ling will shatter. Women will scatter and fearlessly run rampant throughout the previously predominantly male society. We will not bite off the heads of our male counterparts like the female praying mantis. We are, after all, not insects. We will simply push men aside and assume those roles which we women are best suited for in todayââ¬â¢s world. Women will take a stronger hold of their position in relationships, and this will be generally accepted. Men and women will work side by side in professional settings for equal pay and for equal amounts of respect. Old stereotypes of women will disintegrate because historically traditional roles are exactly that ââ¬â historical and traditional. Such changes will take time. Schools of thought cannot be altered overnight. However, until that day comes, we will continue to persevere and fight for our place in this world.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Othelloââ¬â¢s Themeland :: Othello essays
Othelloââ¬â¢sà Themelandà à à à à à Built on a broad base of multiple themes, Othello is one of William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s most popularà tragedies. Letââ¬â¢s sift through the themes and try to rank them in significance. à In the Introduction to The Folger Library General Readerââ¬â¢s Shakespeare, Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar consider the arch-villainy of the ancient to be the most potent theme: à Othello avoids all irrelevancies and the action moves swiftly from the first scene to the denouement. We never get lost in a multiplicity of incidents or a multitude of characters. Our attention remains centered on the arch villainy of Iago and his plot to plant in Othelloââ¬â¢s mind a corroding belief in his wifeââ¬â¢s faithlessness. (viii) à A. C. Bradley, in his book of literary criticism, Shakespearean Tragedy, describes the theme of sexual jealousy in Othello: à But jealousy, and especially sexual jealousy, brings with it a sense of shame and humiliation. For this reason it is generally hidden; if we perceive it we ourselves are ashamed and turn our eyes away; and when it is not hidden it commonly stirs contempt as well as pity. Nor is this all. Such jealousy as Othelloââ¬â¢s converts human nature into chaos, and liberates the beast in man; and it does this in relation to one of the most intense and also the most ideal of human feelings. (169) à Helen Gardner in ââ¬Å"Othello: A Tragedy of Beauty and Fortuneâ⬠agrees with Bradley, saying that ââ¬Å"its subject is sexual jealousy, loss of faith in a form which involves the whole personality at the profound point where body meets spiritâ⬠(144). Of course, jealousy of a non-sexual nature torments the antagonist, the ancient, to the point that he ruins those around him and himself. Francis Ferguson in ââ¬Å"Two Worldviews Echo Each Otherâ⬠describes: à On the contrary, in the ââ¬Å"worldâ⬠of his philosophy and his imagination, where his spirit lives, there is no cure for passion. He is, behind his mask, as restless as a cage of those cruel and lustful monkeys that he mentions so often. It has been pointed out that he has no intelligible plan for destroying Othello, and he never asks himself what good it will do him to ruin so many people. It is enough for him that he ââ¬Å"hatesâ⬠the Moor. . . .(133) à Act 1 Scene 1 opens with an expression of jealousy and hatred: Roderigo is upbraiding Iago because of the elopement of the object of his affections ââ¬âDesdemona -- with the Moor: ââ¬Å"Thou toldââ¬â¢st me thou didst hold him in thy hate.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
How to Be a Porn Star
We might all watch porn, but wanting to star in it is a different story ââ¬â for some of us at least. While the majority of the porn-watching population would rather keep their ââ¬Å"sexploitsâ⬠hidden between the sheets, there are the rare few who want to share their unclothed talents with the world. And this fantasy isnââ¬â¢t so hard to achieve, thanks to the advice of porn stars Ashlynn Brooke and Shane Diesel who tell all you aspiring ââ¬Å"performersâ⬠everything you need to know about how to audition for a porn and get your foot (amongst other things) in the door. AppearanceWhat kind of shape do you have to be in to audition for porn? Ashlynn: Fortunately, being that sex is the most natural thing in the world and everyone enjoys it, this also means that people are naturally attracted to all different body shapes, sizes, etc. I think as long as you love your body and take care of yourself, there's a certain amount of confidence and sexuality that shows through , and that will set you up for success. Be confident in your own skin! Shane: For a male it's better to be fit, athletic and well-groomed; if you look like you're fit, you most likely exercise.This carries over into your performance as far as endurance and stamina go; you don't have to look like a bodybuilder, you just need to posses a nice, fit package no matter what age you are. Performance Are you expected to perform on the spot when you audition for a porn? If so, are you expected to demonstrate the stamina/skills of a seasoned performer? Ashlynn: Yes, youââ¬â¢re expected to put forth a performance. Although the sex will be enjoyable, and everyone will have a great time, it isn't ââ¬Å"home sex. â⬠There is a level of professionalism and eroticism needed to make the scene a good one.Shane: Yes! If you have the nerves to try to be in the adult biz, then you should be able to perform like a seasoned vet. Sure, it takes time to learn everything, but you have to remember yo u have a whole crew that's depending on you. Whatever the director orders you to do, try your best to give him or her as much time and open positions as they want in order to have a great scene. Are performance supplements accepted in the industry? Ashlynn: Most of the time, supplements aren't needed. Being that I'm a girl, I definitely never use them.However, there are times when the situation isn't exactly ideal for the performers (i. e. , a scene in the desert that starts at 4 p. m. when the temperature is a smothering 95 degreesâ⬠¦ and itââ¬â¢s lasting until 9 p. m. when the temperature has dropped to 40 degrees). To sum it up, they're not very common, but aren't looked down upon. Shane: Supplements ââ¬â yes, such as yohimbe, vitamin E, amino acids, ginseng, L-arginine, and saw palmetto. Thatââ¬â¢s a few, but there are many others that work well for other performers.If you are talking about Viagra or Cialis, then thatââ¬â¢s something thatââ¬â¢s not encouraged on sets, but if you need them, then you take them at your own risk and it's not provided for you. Audition Tips Ron Jeremy told us that a man's only hope of getting past the audition phase is to go with a girl. Is this true? Ashlynn: That is actually true to an extent. It's very helpful if the guy is requested by a girl/girls. It's a really good way for them to learn the way of the set, and it helps if they know the girl, making it a much easier experience for the ââ¬Å"breakâ⬠into the business.Shane: Thatââ¬â¢s pretty much true; he is dead-on about that. She's your way in the door and your comfort zone. If she is your girlfriend, then you are more comfortable working with her, plus she knows the right buttons to push to take you over the top and she will help you keep that edge. It looks great walking into any room with a hot chick on your arm. Shane and Ashlynn keep dishing on how to audition for a pornâ⬠¦ Next Page >> AskMen's Free Weekly Newsletter VIDEOS YOU MIGH T LIKE Get Six-Pack Abs With No Crunches Ben Wheatley's Tips For Cracking The Fâ⬠¦ Promoted Put Some Clothes On Thaâ⬠¦ Madame NoirePromoted 30 Of The Hottest Female Athleteâ⬠¦ Rant Sports < |12| > by Taboola 67 BY ASHLYNN BROOKE & SHANE DIESEL Ashlynn Brooke & Shane Diesel LIFESTYLE CORRESPONDENTS LICENSE THIS ARTICLE Share Email Print RSS Pages: 1 2 GUYS WHO READ THIS ALSO READ Highest Paying Jobs In The U. S. (AskMen) Porno Industry (AskMen) You Need To Relax (AskMen) Promoted How to Make a Career Change Without Starting Over (Levo League) Promoted P&O Cruises' Spectacular Entertainment Both Aboardâ⬠¦ (P Cruises) [? ] HAVE YOUR SAY Read more: http://uk. askmen. com/money/how_to_400/436_how_to. html#ixzz2DdGAUGXU
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Improving Patient Safety by Utilizing Information Technology Essay
As the push towards persevering safety increases with restrictive agencies such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the Florida Agency for health condole with administration (ACHA) and The Joint Commission (TJC), at a eon the Joint Commission on Accreditation of health business organization Organizations (JCAHO), soaringlighting the need for higher qualities of standard, infirmarys such as register infirmary Pembroke in Hollywood Florida ar interested in finding ways of achieving optimal tolerant do standards and propel themselves up the advert of top performers on key tone of voice measures.Of equal magnificence is the need to hone the personify potence of this feeling of care by reducing length of hospital stay and reducing instances of readmissions for the same or think complaints. Individual part such as pharmacy, radiology and laboratory individu aloney have computerized governing bodys specific entirelyy aimed at proletariat completion within the discussion sec tion pickings no thought of the dissemination of that instruction crossways the spectrum of not just aesculapian checkup departments but in addition to administrative and clerical departments.With the advent of care possesses such as computer physician order entry(CPOE) and electronic medication administration enrol systems(EMARs) aimed at both quality and cost effectiveness the necessity exist to give up all needed schooling including medical records, radiological imagery such as CT s butt joints, MRIs, and laboratory results at the immediate disposition of the practitioner. Administrative departments such as billing, medical records, medical supplies, and social run requiring historical duration updates on care administered, supplies expended in administering this care and follow up needful in order to complete the continuum of care. in that location is at that placefore the need to integrate all these mingled clinical and administrative processes into a single ef ficient hospital establish system of delivery of care. Electronic health Record systems (EHRs) are not nevertheless designed to provide such services but as well as information to patients and stores and sells info collected on patients. The Ameri plunder recuperation and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 provided $34 billion via Medicare and Medicaid for the writ of execution and use of EHRs.Two such systems EpicCare and HCS eMR independently define themselves as follows. The EpicCare Inpatient clinical System spans all hospital departments and specialties, cock-a-hoop suppliers the tools they need to deliver safe, high-quality care. EpicCares role-based navigators alter relevant information access for physicians, nurses, therapists, dietitians and all early(a) provider in the hospital setting HCS eMR meaningful use package is a Workflow Driven / focus solution focused on high User Adoption. HCS eMR industrial plant for your hospital because itBuilds on existing proces ses such as practice of medicine Reconciliation Integrates with existing applied science to streamline processes Leverages sophisticated rules and timely alerts to drive victory Can be implemented readily and is fully adopted Is sparingal organisational and individual barriers to proposed tilt Several say-so barriers exist to the carrying out of an integrated electronic health records system (EHRs), these include structural, fiscal/business, good/professional, and cultural. StructuralMemorial Hospital Pembroke is not a standalone hospital alternatively it is one of five hospitals in the Memorial Hospital System (MHS) formerly cognize as the South Broward Hospital soil of Florida, as such much thoughtfulness has to be given to the eventual carrying out across the system not only to Pembroke itself. Diversity in buyers and payers of supplies and services across the system would impact heavily on integration. at that place are also unlike providers of information t echnology in various departments that would have to be modified to alter integration via a central system of informatics.Financial and business The infrastructural carrying into action of EHR systems occupys initial high dollar investment which in the legitimate economic environment whitethorn require budgetary restraints on other services and supplies. Although the intent is clear and the likely promising, at that place is limited evidence of the economic benefits of EHR systems in healthcare mainly because it is in its infancy, the hospital board of governors whitethorn require extensive due diligence studies front agreeing to any such metamorphose. Cultural The cost-benefits across the continuum of providers e. g. octors, nurses and recipients e. g. patients of healthcare have yet to be historicalized and as such much caution and resistance is to be anticipated.Clinicians comprehensive of nurses envision health informatics especially EHRs as being time devour and take s away from, familiarity, actual time washed-out with patients, also old habits are intemperately to break, and question what personal benefits are to be gain from this peeping system. Not to be ignored is the additional scrutiny as all processes depart be document at time of process and provides a permanent record, errors cannot be deleted.Departments who previously had autonomy on how information is transferred and disseminated from the individual department to other practitioners may show faltering to opening up to the scrutiny of others. Patients also will be required to deposit intrusion, as with the avail efficiency of previously dependant information at the bedside from computers on wheels (COWs) to a greater extent time may be exhausted at the bedside by practitioners instead of doing time consuming reviews and making notes prior to patients rounds.The health Insurance Port king and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) which provides federally regulated protection o f patients health information held by healthcare professionals, is another executable barrier that impact the implementation of the proposed careen, and care has to be taken to limit the needless access of patients data. Factors influencing proposed changeImportant factors that may affect whether implementation of an EHR at Memorial Pembroke is employed include, how open focussing and module are to the change, the reality of available EHR systems providers versus in-house creation of a system, greet of purchasing, implementing and maintaining a system and if funding is available, real benefits to be attained, are they measurable, and structural, cultural and fiscal avidity of the organization for the change. Receptiveness of direction and roundIf the existing system clobbers for staff or is perceived to work then galore(postnominal) questions arise among the participants wherefore does there need to be this intrusive change. Can the proposed benefits to be realized pa rdon the overhaul and inconvenience to come and am I going to be pay for my efforts? Available EHR systems There are many systems already on the market including EPICare inpatient-core HCS eMR and ChartAcess which are ready for implementation have a system of support and maintenance.Although these are dearly-won systems, to build an in-house system replicating these would be time consuming and require extensive maturational processes that would certainly result in hold water in implementing such a system. make up May be divided into attainment and maintenance, acquisition cost include cost of software, training, installation, paper to electronic conversion and implementation productivity loss, which may not be measurable. Maintenance cost includes upgrades, replacement of computer hardware and internal and external support cost.acquirement cost will be probative and may impact on the ability of the organization to jar against other budgetary demands. Maintenance cost are br eak up out over time and may not be as impacting, also the possibility exist that cost nest egg from the use of the EHRs employed may touch off maintenance cost. Factors influencing organizational readiness There are certain basic requirements of readiness which Memorial Pembroke must meet in order to be ready for health IT without which failure is almost assured.These are organizational culture, Management and leadership, Operational and Technical readiness. organizational culture defined as an perspicacity of how the organization perceives EHR, general staff and physicians perceptions and patient involvement. Does Memorial Pembroke view EHR as a liability or as an asset, is the staff open to what is better for the patient or are they more concerned nearly turf protection, are nurses prepared to record even the most minor situation if it means a better boilers suit picture of the state of the patient.Management and leadership does the organization have the management tha t appreciates the importance of the change to the overall goals of the organization and is there a readiness to apply indispensable resources to include human resources, monetary resources and information and to manage these resources not only for current but also future EHR needs. Is there an executive team, a strategic plan, quality improvement and care management, and sound financial management?Operational readiness takes into consideration, protocols, available procedures, staffing needs for the implementation, training plans and programs, preparedness of go out managers and IT staff for the implementation. Technical readiness considers the organizations technical environment and information technology capabilities to paw with and absorb the change. Is there adequate waiter capacity, a rational process of procurement also potential for growth and development of the department? In short can they handle it? Theoretical model colligate to proposed changeThe model best rela ted to this organizational change which seeks to enhance the asylum as a whole in the furtherance of improved quality of care for patients as also to optimize the organizations ability to be effective in the administrative process and other peripheral processes composite in this change is organizational development. organisational change targets the entire organization and creates a climate of open discussion with valued feedback which helps to reinforce or modify to the change. It depends on the utilization of process consultants to quicken interventions and to manage the change.Internal and external resources to support change Within the organization several resources may be found which may facilitate or enhance the change to be implemented, these include qualified senior management who portray a sense of sanction and facilitate dialogue with staff indeed enabling them to be active participants, a strong human resource department that arranges and implement training program s aimed at preparing staff for the change. A vibrant IT department with competent personnel knowledgeable in IT systems that can facilitate incorporation of new technology to its network.Staff that are trainable and who understand the desirability of the organization and of change and are instinctive to adapt in order to meet organizational goals. Externally advantage has to be taken of a proven provider of EHRs that has the experience and support infrastructure that will facilitate attainment of the organizational goals. nonsymbiotic consultants who are experienced in the change to be implemented, and who are able to monitor lizard and manage the change at each(prenominal) stage of implementation. Research data that provide information aimed at making cognizant decisions, provided by research specialist and not ad hoc pieces of information.
Bloodlines Chapter Two
A COUPLE OF PEOPLE GASPED, no doubt e verywhere Keiths use of the term vamp lover. Neither formulate was that terrible in and of itself, only if to let d shoot forher well, they correspond an idea that was pretty round(prenominal) anathema to each(prenominal) that the Alchemists s alsod for. We fought to protect humans from lamias. Being in partnership with those creatures was ab give a modality the vilest liaison either of us could be accused of. Even while questioning me earlier, the opposite Alchemists had been very c areful with their preference of language.Keiths usage was virtu bothy obscene. Horowitz disembodied spirited angry on my behalf and opened his m revealh as though he skill make an every bit biting retort. afterward a quick regard at Zoe and me, he trainmed to recon stancer, and stayed silent. Michaelson, however, couldnt dish divulge himself from muttering, Protect us on the whole. He make the sign against evil.Yet it wasnt Keiths name-c bo inv olvement that genuinely set me murder (though that did certainly send a chill through me). It was Stantons earlier off return comment. We cut you requested Zoe.Keith had requested Zoe for this grant? My resolve to commemorate her out of it grew by leaps and bounds. The position of her overtaking off with him make me clench my fists. Every unrivaled here might retrieve Keith Darnell was whatsoever kind of poster child, but I knew better. No girl let nevertheless if my sis should be remaining wing al ane with him.Keith, verbalise Stanton, a quench warning in her voice. I enkindle respect your feelings, but you arent in a grade to make that call.He flushed. typewriter ribbon Springs is my post I go every right to dictate what goes on in my territory.I hobo extrapolate why youd feel that mien, verbalise my gravel. Unbelievable. If Zoe or I had questioned trust similar Keith had, our commence wouldnt hold hesitated to give tongue to us our rights or rathe r, hed nonify us that we had none. Keith had stayed with my family one spend young Alchemists sometimes did that while training and my bring had scramn to regard him a same(p) the son hed neer had. Even because, thitherd been a double standard amongst Keith and us. Time and distance apparently hadnt diminished that. thenar Springs may be your post, said Stanton, but this assignment is coming from places in the organization that are ut well-nigh above your reach. Youre essential for coordination, yes, but you are by no inwardness the ultimate billet here. foreign me, I suspected Stanton had smacked a some volume in her daytime, and I rally she motiveed to do that to Keith now. It was funny that she would be get hold my defender, since Id been pretty certain(a) she didnt procure my story much or less using Rose to shape up my career.Keith visibly calmed himself, wisely realizing a childish flare-up wasnt breathing rooming out to get him anywhere. I unders tand. entirely Im entirely worried about the success of this mission. I fuck both of the Sage girls. Even before Sydneys incident, I had serious c oncerns about her. I figured shed grow out of them, though, so I didnt bother verbal expression anything at the time. I see now I was wrong. Back then, I actually thought Zoe would have been a far better choice for the family position. No offense, Jared. He gave my pose what was in all likelihood sibyllic to be a charming smile.Meanwhile, it was getting harder and harder to hide my incredulity. Zoe was 11 when you stayed with us, I said. How in the world could you have bony those conclusions? I didnt buy for an instant that hed had concerns about me fanny then. No scratch that. Hed in all probability had concerns the choke day he stayed with us, when I confronted him about a vexing secret hed been hiding. That, I was almost certain, was what all of this was about. He valued me silenced. My adventures with Rose were simply an excuse to get me out of the way.Zoe was always advanced for her age, Keith said. Sometimes you brush off skilful make kn aver.Zoes never seen a Strigoi, let alone a Moroi Shed probably let go ofze up if she did. Thats rightful(a) of most Alchemists, I pointed out. Whoever you send is going to have to be able to stand being virtually them, and no study what you think of my reasons, Im used to them. I dont like them, but I chicane how to persist them. Zoe hasnt had anything but the most basic of instruction and thats all been in our home. Everyone fundings precept this is a serious assignment. Do you actually want to lay on the melodic phrase its outcome because of inexperience and unsubstantiated fears? I finished, proud of myself for staying calm and devising such a reasoned argument.Barnes shifted uneasily. alone if Keith had doubts old age agoZoes training is calm probably large to get by, said my mother.Five minutes ago, my father had endorsed me going i nstead of her Was anyone here in time comprehend to me? It was like I was invisible now that Keith was here. Horowitz had been busily cleaning and putting away his tattooing tools but accounted up to scoff at Barness remark.You said the magic row years ago. Keith couldnt have been often older than these girls are now. Horowitz shut his tool case and leaned casually against the wall, weaponry stigmaed. I dont doubt you, Keith. Not exactly. But Im non really sure you fag end base your mental picture of her off memories from when you were all children.By Horowitzs logic, he was narrateing I was unchanging a child, but I didnt care. Hed delivered his comments in an effortless, slowly way that nonetheless left Keith computeing like an idiot. Keith knew it, too, and turned bright red.I concur, said Stanton, who was give the axely getting im silklikeient. Sydney wants this badly, and a hardly a(prenominal)(prenominal) would, considering it means shell actually have to live with a vampire. fatality it badly? Not exactly. But I did want to protect Zoe at all costs and heal my credibility. If it meant thwarting Keith Darnell along the way, then so much the Wait, I said, replaying Stantons word of honors. Did you say live with a vampire?Yes, said Stanton. Even if shes in hiding, the Moroi girl still has to have some semblance of a modal(prenominal) life. We figured wed kill two birds with one precious stone and enroll her in a individual(a) boarding educate. Take care of her teaching and lodging. We would make arrangements for you to be her roommate.Wouldnt that mean wouldnt that mean Id have to go to school? I asked, feeling a little baffle now. I already graduated. High school, at least. Id made it urinate a number of times to my father that Id love to go to college. Hed made it equally clear that he didnt feel there was a bump off up.You see? said Keith, jumping on the opportunity. Shes too old. Zoes a better age match.Sydney can pass for a senior. Shes the right age. Stanton gave me a once-over. Besides, you were homeschooled, right? Thisll be a new experience for you. You can see what you were missing.It would probably be easy for you, said my father grudgingly. Your education was superior to anything they can offer. Nice moxiehanded compliment, papa.I was afraid to show how uneasy this deal was devising me. My resolve to look out for Zoe and myself hadnt changed, but the complications just kept growing. Repeat high school. Live with a vampire. halt her in witness protection. And stock-still though Id talked up how favourable I was around vampires, the thought of sharing a room with one regular(a) a lookly benign one like Jill was unnerving. A nonher woe occurred to me.Would you be an undercover educatee too? I asked Keith. The idea of lending him chassis notes made me nauseous again.Of course not, he said, sounding insulted. Im too old. Ill be the Local Area heraldic bearing Liaison. I was involuntar y to bet hed just made that title up on the spot. My job is to help coordinate the assignment and report back to our superiors. And Im not going to do it if shes the one there. He looked from example to impertinence as he spoke that last line, but there was no question who she was. Me. and so dont, said Stanton bluntly. Sydney is going. Thats my decision, and Ill argue it to any higher authority you want to take it to. If you are so against her placement, Mr. Darnell, I will personally see that you are transferred out of Palm Springs and dont have to deal with her at all. every eyes swiveled to Keith, and he hesitated. Shed caught him in a trap, I realized. I had to imagine that with its climate, Palm Springs didnt see a lot of vampire action. Keiths job there was probably pretty easy, whereas when Id worked in St. Petersburg, Id been constantly having to do suffering control.That place was a vampire haven, as were some of the other places in Europe and Asia my father had interpr eted me to visit. Dont even get me started about Prague. If Keith were transferred, he took the risk of not only getting a larger workload but in like manner of being in a much worsened location. Because although Palm Springs wasnt delectable for vampires, it sounded kind of awesome for humans.Keiths face confirmed as much. He didnt want to leave Palm Springs. What if she goes there, and I have reason to suspect her of treason again?Then report her, said Horowitz, shifting restlessly. He obviously wasnt impressed with Keith. The same as you would anyone.I can increase some of Zoes training in the meantime, said my father, almost as an apology to Keith. It was clear whose side my father was on. It wasnt mine. It wasnt even Zoes, really. Then, if you find defacement with Sydney, we can replace her.I bristled at the thought of Keith being the one to decide if I had faults, but that didnt bother me virtually as much as the thought of Zoe still being bind to this. If my father was keeping her on standby, then she wasnt out of d fretfulness until now. The Alchemists could still have their hooks in her as could Keith. I vowed then that no matter what it took, even if I had to handfeed him grapes, I would make sure Keith had no reason to doubt my loyalties.Fine, he said, the word seeming to cause him a lot of pain. Sydney can go for now. But Ill be watching you. He fixed his gaze on me. And Im not going to cover for you. Youll be responsible for keeping that vampire girl in line and getting her to her provides.Feedings? I asked blankly. Of course. Jill would need blood. For a moment, all my confidence wavered. It was easy to talk about hang out with vampires when none were around. Easier still when you didnt think about what it was that made vampires who they were. Blood. That terrible, supernatural need that fueled their existence. An awful thought sprang into my mind, vanishing as quickly as it came. Am I supposed to give her my blood? No. That was ridicu lous. That was a line the Alchemists would never cross. Swallowing, I tried to conceal my skeleton moment of panic. How do you plan on feeding her?Stanton nodded to Keith. Would you condone? I think she was giving him a chance to feel important, as a way of making up for his earlier defeat. He ran with it.Theres only one Moroi we know of living in Palm Springs, said Keith. As he spoke, I detect that his tousled blond hair was practically cover in gel. It gave his hair a slimy peek that I didnt think was attractive in the least. Also, I didnt trust any guy who used to a greater extent styling products than I did. And if you ask me, hes savage. But hes sinless crazy inasmuch as any of them are harmless. Hes this old anchorite who lives outside the city. Hes got this hang-up about the Moroi government and doesnt ally with any of them, so he isnt going to consecrate anyone you guys are there. Most importantly, hes got a feeder hes willing to share.I fr featureed. Do we really want Jill hanging out with some anti-government Moroi? The whole purpose is to keep them stable. If we introduce her to some rebel, how do we know he wont try to use her?Thats an excellent point, said Michaelson, seeming bewildermentd to admit as much.I hadnt meant to disobey Keith. My mind had just jumped ahead in this way it had, spotting a potential problem and pointing it out. From the look he gave me, though, it was like I was purposely assay to discredit his statement and make him look bad.We wont tell him who she is, obviously, he said, a glint of ire in his good eye. That would be stupid. And hes not part of any faction. Hes not part of anything. Hes convinced the Moroi and their guardians let him down, so he wants nothing to do with any of them. Ive passed a story to him about how Jills family has the same antisocial feelings, so hes sympathetic.Youre right to be wary, Sydney, said Stanton. There was a look of approval in her eyes, like she was glad at having defended me. That approval meant a lot to me, considering how wild she often seemed. We cant assume anything about any of them. Although we also checked out this Moroi with Abe Mazur, who concurs hes harmless enough.Abe Mazur? scoffed Michaelson. He scratched at his graying beard. Yes. Im sure hed be an expert on whos harmless or not.My heart lurched at the name, but I tried not to show it. Do not pit, do not react, I ordered my face. After a deep breath, I asked very, very carefully, Is Abe Mazur the Moroi whos going with Jill? Ive met him before but I thought you said it was an Ivashkov who was going. If Abe Mazur was in residence in Palm Springs, that would transfigure things significantly.Michaelson scoffed. No, wed never send you off with Abe Mazur. Hes simply been aid with the organization of this plan.Whats so bad about Abe Mazur? asked Keith. I dont know who he is.I studied Keith very closely as he spoke, looking for some trace of deception. But, no. His face was all innocence, o penly curious. His blue eyes or eye, rather held a rare look of confusion, contrasting with the usual know-it-all arrogance. Abes name meant nothing to him. I exhaled a breath I hadnt realized Id been holding.A baddie, said Stanton flatly. He knows far too much about things he shouldnt. Hes useful, but I dont trust him.A scoundrel? That was an understatement. Abe Mazur was a Moroi whose nickname in Russia zmey, the serpent said it all. Abe had done a number of favors for me, ones Id had to pay back at considerable risk to myself. Part of that vengeance had been helping Rose escape. Well, hed called it payback I called it blackmail. I had no desire to cross paths with him again, mostly because I was afraid of what hed ask for next. The frustrating part was that there was no one I could go to for help. My superiors wouldnt react well to learning that, in addition to all my other solo activities with vampires, I was making side deals with them.None of them are to be trusted, my fa ther pointed out. He made the Alchemist sign against evil, drawing a cross on his left shoulder with his right hand.Yes, well, Mazurs worse than most, said Michaelson. He stifled a yawn, reminding all of us that it was the middle of the night. Are we all set, then?There were murmurs of assent. Keiths stormy expression dis compete how un knowing he was at not getting his way, but he made no more attempts to stop me from going. I guess we can leave anytime now, he said.It took me a second to realize that the we meant him and me. Right now? I asked in disbelief.He shrugged. The vampires are going to be on their way soon. We need to make sure everythings set up for them. If we switch off driving, we can be there by tomorrow afternoon.Great, I said stiffly. A road trip with Keith. Ugh. But what else could I say? I had no choice in this, and even if I did, I was in no position to turn down anything the Alchemists asked of me now. Id played every card I had tonight, and I had to look at b eing with Keith was better than a re-education center.Besides, Id just fought a hard battle to prove myself and spare Zoe. I had to continue showing I was up for anything.My father sent me off to pack with the same stylishness hed ordered me to make myself presentable earlier. I left the others talking and scurried quietly up to my room, still sure of my sleeping mother. I was an expert in pugilism quickly and efficiently, thanks to surprise trips my father had sprung on me throughout my childhood. In fact, I always had a bag of toiletries packed and ready to go. The problem wasnt so much in speed as it was in wondering how much to pack. The length of time for this assignment hadnt been specified, and I had the uneasy feeling that no one actually knew. Were we talking about a few weeks? An entire school year? Id heard soulfulness mention the Moroi wanting to repeal the law that menace Jill, but that seemed like the kind of legal plow that could take a while. To make things wor se, I didnt even know what to wear to high school. The only thing I was certain of was that the weather would be hot. I ended up packing ten of my lightest outfits and hoped Id be able to do laundry.Sydney?I was putting my laptop computer in a messenger bag when Zoe appeared in my vergeway. Shed redone her braids so that they were neater, and I wondered if it had been an attempt to impress our father. Hey, I said, smiling at her. She slipped into the room and shut the room access behind her. I was glad shed come to say goodbye. I would miss her and cute her to know that why did you do that to me? she demanded before I could get a word out. Do you know how humiliated I am?I was taken aback, speechless for a few moments. I what are you talking about? I was essay to You made me sound incompetent she said. I was astonished to see the glint of disunite in her eyes. You went on and on about how I didnt have any experience and couldnt handle doing what you and Dad do I looked like an idiot in front of all those Alchemists. And Keith.Keith Darnell is no one you need to worry about impressing, I said quickly, nerve-wracking to control my temper. Seeing her stormy face, I sighed and replayed the confabulation in the study. I hadnt been toilsome to make Zoe look bad so much as do whatever I could to make sure I was the one sent away. Id had no clue she would take it like this. Look, I wasnt trying to embarrass you. I was trying to protect you.She gave a harsh laugh, and the anger sounded weird coming from someone as gentle as Zoe. Is that what you call it? You even said yourself that you were trying to get a promotionI grimaced. Yes, I had said that. But I could hardly tell her the truth. No human knew the truth about why Id helped Rose. Lying to my own kind especially my sis pained me, but there was nothing I could do. As usual, I matte up trapped in the middle. So, I dodged the comment.You were never intended to be an Alchemist, I said. There are better th ings for you out there.Because Im not as smart as you? she asked. Because I dont declaim five languages?That has nothing to do with it, I snapped. Zoe, youre wonderful, and youd probably make a great Alchemist But hope me, the Alchemist lifeyou dont want any part of it. I wanted to tell her that shed hate it. I wanted to tell her that shed never be responsible for her own future or get to make her own decisions again. But my sense of duty prevented me, and I stayed silent.Id do it, she said. Id help protect us from vampires if Dad wanted me to. Her voice wavered a little, and I suddenly wondered what was really fueling her desire to be an Alchemist.If you want to get close to Dad, find another way. The Alchemist cause might be a good one, but once youre in it, they own you. I wished I could explain to her how it felt. You dont want this life.Because you want it all for yourself? she demanded. She was a few inches shorter than me but filled with so much furor and fierceness right now that she seemed to take up the room.No I dont you dont understand, I finally said. I wanted to throw my hands up in exasperation but held back, as always.The look she gave me nearly turned me to ice. Oh, I think I understand perfectly. She turned around abruptly and hurried out the door, still managing to move quietly. Her fear of our father overpowered her anger at me.I stared at where shed been standing and felt terrible. How could she have thought I was really trying to steal all the glory and make her look bad? Because thats exactly what you said, a voice internal me pointed out. I supposed it was true, but Id never expect her to be offended. Id never known she had any amour in being one of the Alchemists. Even now, I wondered if her desire was more about being a part of something and proving herself to our father than it was about really lack shed been chosen for this task.any(prenominal) her reasons, there was nothing to be done for it now. I might not like the heavy-h anded way the Alchemists had dealt with me, but I still fiercely believed in what they were doing to protect humans from vampires. And I definitely believed in keeping Jill safe from her own people if it meant countermanding a massive civil war. I could do this job and do it well. And Zoe she would be free to pursue whatever she wanted in life.What took you so long? my father asked when I returned to the study. My conversation with Zoe had hold up me a couple minutes, which was two minutes too long for him. I didnt attempt to answer.Im ready to go whenever you are, Keith told me. His mood had shifted while I was upstairs. Friendliness oozed from him now, so strongly that it was a wonder everyone didnt recognize it as fake. Hed apparently decided to try a more pleasant attitude around me, either in the hopes of impressing the others or sucking up to me so that I wouldnt reveal what I knew about him. Yet even as he wore that plastic smile, there was a stiffness in his posture and t he way he crossed his arms that told me if no else that he was no happier about being thrown together than I was. I can even do most of the driving.I dont mind doing my share, I said, trying to avoid glancing at his glass eye. I also wasnt comfortable being driven by someone with wrong depth perception.Id like to speak to Sydney in private before she goes, if thats all right, my father said.No one had a problem with that, and he led me into the kitchen, culmination the door behind us. We stood quietly for a few moments, simply facing each other with arms crossed. I suddenly dared to hope that maybe hed come to tell me he was sorry for how things had been between us this last month, that he forgave me and loved me. Honestly, I wouldve been happy if hed simply wanted a private, fatherly goodbye.He peered down at me intently, his brown eyes so identical to mine. I hoped mine never had such a cold look in them. I dont have to tell you how important this is for you, for all of us.So much for fatherly spirit.No, sir, I said. You dont.I dont know if you can undo the disgrace you brought down on us by running off with them, but this is a step in the right direction. Do not mess this up. Youre being tested. succeed your orders. Keep the Moroi girl out of trouble. He sighed and ran a hand through his dark blond hair, which Id also inherited. Strange, I thought, that we had so many things in common yet were so completely different. Thank God Keith is with you. Follow his lead. He knows what hes doing.I stiffened. There was that note of fleece in his voice again, like Keith was the greatest thing walking the earth. My father had seen to it that my training was thorough, but when Keith had stayed with us, my father had taken him on trips and lessons Id never been part of. My sisters and I had been furious.Wed always suspected that our father regretted having only daughters, and that had been proof. But it wasnt jealousy that made my blood boil and odontiasis clenc h now.For a moment, I thought, What if I tell him what I know? What will he think of his golden boy then? But pure(a) into my fathers hard eyes, I answered my own question No one would believe me. That was immediately followed by the retentivity of another voice and a girls frightened, pleading face staring at me with big brown eyes. Dont tell, Sydney. Whatever you do, dont tell what Keith did. Dont tell anyone. I couldnt betray her like that.My father was still waiting for an answer. I swallowed and nodded. Yes, sir.He raised his eyebrows, clearly pleased, and gave me a rough pat on the shoulder. It was the closest hed come to real affection in a while. I flinched, both from surprise and because of how rigid I was with frustration. Good. He moved toward the kitchen door and then paused to glance back at me. perchance theres hope for you yet.
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